It’s the month of Pride, Glastonbury, and glorious weather – it can only be DGT Loves June! We’ve seen some impressive advertising campaigns this month already. From Google’s measures to make Pride more inclusive, to GiffGaff’s retaliation against corporate greed, the DGT team have thoroughly enjoyed sitting through the adverts this June and keeping a close eye out for the ads that pique our interest.
Without further ado, here are the pièce de résistance of campaigns for June!
Getting a Pride campaign right is easier said than done. Just a few years ago, businesses would slap a rainbow on their packaging and call it allyship – in 2023, the queer community is asking for more. After all, if you’re going to create a campaign in honour of their community, you better make it sincere.
It seems that businesses are bidding adieu to their vacuous virtue signalling and making their pride campaigns count with bigger donations to relevant charities and better representation. Here are our two favourite 2023 Pride campaigns thus far:
At DGT, we are huge advocates of technological innovation and love to see technology being used to broaden outreach and make experiences more accessible. This is precisely what Google have done with their virtual Pride parades. As part of their Pride For Everyone campaign, Google are encouraging users to use their smartphones an VR headsets to immerse themselves in the joy of pride, wherever they are. These parades make it easier for members of the community who may not be able to go to parades in person due to discrimination, availability or distance.
This year, Coach continued their support for the queer community with their 2023 Pride campaign. Featuring models of all identities, the campaign directly funds important LGBT+ charities such as Hetrick-Martin. But that’s not all – Coach have done their due diligence and found important queer businesses in their area, and have designed their 2023 campaign to highlight the way these businesses empower the community. From the Belvedere Guest House which has welcomed gay men since the 50’s, to the Blue Whale where the Tea Dance originated in the 60’s – Coach have paid homage to queer history in their Pride collection, and we’re here for it.
Promoting such a controversial topic as gambling can be difficult for marketers. After all, gambling is an addictive activity and it is estimated that 0.5% of the UK population has a self-identified gambling problem. Which begs the question: how do gambling companies promote themselves without seemingly taking advantage of those vulnerable to gambling addictions? Gala Bingo has the answer with their latest television advert, which doesn’t so much promote their bingo site, but instead promotes stopping and thinking about the consequences of excessive gambling.
Their latest advertising campaign takes a more sincere approach than their typical bubbly, fun-loving marketing by teaming up with gambling awareness campaigners Take Time To Think. The ad sees a bunch of bingo-fanatics taking a road trip through the picturesque British countryside – the usual setting for their other advertising campaigns – before a member of the cohort requests that the driver pulls over. The seemingly random request is representative of the need for Gala Bingo users to pause for a break every now and again before they go too far. The campaigners at Take Time To Think promote setting expenditure and time limits, and taking regular breaks to ensure users are not becoming consumed by gambling habits. We love how Gala are striking a good balance between promoting the fun of gambling, whilst not being neglectful of the risks.
This is your sign to stop scrolling, hit pause and take 5 🖐️
Don’t forget to take time to think.#SaferGambling #ResponsibleGambling pic.twitter.com/tZvIP7t57Q
— Gala Bingo (@GalaBingo) June 15, 2023
Across the nation, we are unanimous in our agreement that the consistent price hikes across all sectors are becoming infuriating. From food to fuel and phone bills, it is hard to avoid the reality that we are living in a cost of living crisis. With reports that energy giants are making extortionate profits at our expense, the British public have become increasingly dubious of big corporations. GiffGaff cleverly play to this fear in their latest advert.
A collective of wealthy directors, who are indulging in a fine dinner, prepare themselves to sign a contract that would boost their already-large profits at the expense of their users. However, before they can put pen to paper, their waitress slyly knocks over a cup of coffee, ruining the contract and saving their customers from an unnecessary price hike. Could the corporation just print off another form? Probably. But the sentiment remains. By pitting corporate bigwigs against a regular, relatable waitress, GiffGaff firmly denote that they are on the side of the general public – not those who seek to make huge profits at our expense.
Looking to create an advertising campaign that truly makes an impact like the one’s we’ve highlighted? Look no further than the Demand Generation Team!
Here at DGT, our team is driven by our passion to combining creativity and data science, allowing us to drive results that truly impact your business. Our team of marketing professionals combine web, SEO, content, social media, digital and PPC to generate demand for your business, helping to propel your business towards sustainable success. For more information on how DGT can help transform your business, fill out the form below!
Posted by Jenna C on Friday 30th June 2023